EZSlamX Release Notes

[…] meet measurement criteria TEPU004 Slide 6 2023 EZMetrology 2 New Analytics TEPU004 Slide 7 2023 EZMetrology EZSLAMX 2 NEW ANALYTICS 2 1 ENERGY DISTRIBUTION AT A GIVEN SPEED Energy distributions can now be determined for a variety of door closing speeds In addition to the current energy distribution for the minimum closing situation the […]

EZMotion Product Presentation

[…] specialists will consider 4 aspects Accuracy Resolution Resolutions are available from 1 to 20 megapixels and will play a key roll in reaching the desired accuracy Acquisition Speed Frequencies are available from 1 to 2000 Hz Measurement Volume A wide variety of lenses are available to get the desired volume and standoff Environment Designed […]

IOManager Software Presentation

[…] SEPP009 Slide 5 2023 Confidential EZMetrology 1 INTRODUCTION 1 3 ARCHITECTURE EZMotion CAN File Output Inertial Sensors TCP IP Stream Input Channels GPS Analog Output Analog Resample Speed Calculation Distance Calculation SEPP009 Slide 6 2023 Confidential EZMetrology 2 Modules SEPP009 Slide 7 2023 Confidential EZMetrology 2 MODULES 2 1 INPUT MODULES EZMotion XYZ IJK […]

EZSpeed on Sliding Door Application

EZSpeed Sliding Door Analysis EZSpeed is a portable gauge used for measuring closing speeds of rotational doors sliding doors liftgates tailgates trunks and frunks 2023 EZMetrology INDEX 1 Introduction 2 Technology 3 Operation Sliding Door 4 Operation Extras 5 Software 6 Conclusion SEPA001 Slide Property of EZ Metrology 2023 2020 All rights reserved EZMetrology […]