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19 posts found

PLS with EZSpeed
EZSpeed used with PLS in a production line

EZPressure Install and Measure
EZPressure installed inside a car cabin

PLS Overview
Key features and capabilities for Production Line Solution to monitor door closure measurements in manufacturing and assembly environments

EZSlamX Software
Software features and upgrades for EZSlamX

EZSlam Software Layout
Demonstration of software layout for EZSlam software

EZSlam Top Video
Video of EZSlam mounted on car door with description of measurement and analysis capabilities

EZSlam Software LIVE mode
Demonstration of Live Mode for EZSlam Software

EZSlam Software Table Control
Demonstration of table control in EZSlam software

EZSlam Demo
Video demonstrating key components measurements and operation of EZSlam for door closing analysis

Audit Screen Force and Speed Graph
Screenshot of graph with force and speed trends for Audit software

Audit Screen Pressure Transient Curve
Screenshot of pressure transient curve for Audit software

PLS Graphs Screen
Screenshot of graphs screen for PLS software

PLS Flat Screen Offset with EZM Logo
Image of PLS used with EZSpeed on truck production line

EZSlamX Software Screenshot of Cabin Pressure Transient
Screenshot of EZSlamX software illustrating sample measurement of door cabin pressure as car door is closed and cabin release valve opens

EZSlamX Software Close Sweep Force
Screenshot of EZSlamX software showing graphs for door closing sweep force