EZSlam DoorKit Audit Detailed Comparison

[…] software for data recording, analysis and export >> See details SEPP003 Audit.ppsx B. EZSlam Solution Industry standard for determining complete door characteristics Multiple, synchronized sensor collection: force, speed, pressure, 2D high-speed camera, and acceleration. Standardized acquisition procedure (type of test and number of runs) Automated analysis and DNA determination, down to component level Numerical […]

Audit Software Presentation

[…] 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 AUDIT SOLUTION Audit software uses any or all devices to take high-fidelity measurements during the closing of a door. The software platform will track speed and force curves along with pressure for a comprehensive look at the interactions of a door. The active database associates the data with a VIN number […]

EZMetrology Portfolio

[…] Identified using EZSlam : closing data during the complete closing event. R&D Center Striker Alignment Advanced Quality Control in Production Latch Point Benefits: Launch Troubleshooting Minimum Closing Speed Up-to-date and state-of-the art technology and Initial Speed software to define DNA of a door Speed Curve Closing Force No competition ideal partner for development Minimum […]

Door Solutions

[…] EZSlam SEPG003 v2, Slide 5 Confidential 2024 EZMetrology 2. FULL DOOR DNA – EZSLAM 2.1 EZSLAM CONCEPT Overview EZSlam is a dedicated door measurement system comprised of speed, force, pressure, alignment, and acceleration sensors. The system integrates the procedure, data collection and processing of the static and dynamic effects during door opening and closing […]

EZSlam Product Presentation

[…] EZMetrology 3. Technology 2023 SEPP001, Slide 10 Confidential EZMetrology 3. TECHNOLOGY 3.1 SENSOR COLLECTION Sensors Wide variety of sensors collect data for the following characteristics Trajectory Angle Speed Acceleration Force Pressure The multi-processor setup collects all sensor data at 500 Hz. Synchronization and correlation between all sensors is part of the technology so the […]

Door Energy Balance Case Study

[…] I N G Extract data from each specific run Re-iterate the overall analysis based on information from newly added data DNA OF THE DOOR Establish: Minimum Closing Speed, Closing Energy, Hinge Angle, Peak Pressure, Minimum Vacuum, Latch Force, Seal Compression, Latch Point, Striker Alignment, Air Bind, Open Angle, Operational Force, Inertia, Opening Speed 2023 […]

Door System as an Energy Balance

[…] I N G Extract data from each specific run Re-iterate the overall analysis based on information from newly added data DNA OF THE DOOR Establish: Minimum Closing Speed, Closing Energy, Hinge Angle, Peak Pressure, Minimum Vacuum, Latch Force, Seal Compression, Latch Point, Striker Alignment, Air Bind, Open Angle, Operational Force, Inertia, Opening Speed 2023 […]

EnergyPod Brochure

Product Overview of EnergyPod the gauge to quantify closing energy speed and so much more